We believe in using technology to advance the care of our patients and provide laser treatment to minimize down time and maximize comfort. There are many lasers out there and not all of the are the same. Some are designed for working on the tooth itself while others may work on the gum and bone.  

The laser we have is from Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc. and is patented for use on gum disease also know as periodontitis. This is often referred to as LANAP – Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure.

For more details check out our page on periodontitis.

This laser can also be used to treat peri-implantitis which is inflammation and disease around an implant. This is called LAPIP – Laser Assisted Peri-Implantitis Procedure.

Other procedures such as biopsy or a frenectomy can also be performed with this laser. This means little to no bleeding and a more comfortable recovery.

Check out our laser frequently asked questions page here.