Why see a periodontist?

The most common reason for seeing a periodontist is for the disease condition periodontitis. This is often referred to as “gum disease.” This can be misleading because some forms of this disease actually spread to the bone beyond the gums and causes bone destruction. This often starts with gingivitis where bacteria cause inflammation in the gum tissue. However, when it is not treated at this stage it can develop into periodontitis, which is inflammation into the bone structure.

Shadowy area around tooth roots showing severe bone loss from periodontitis

How do you check my gum health?

To check your gum health during your exam a set of measurements will be taken. This is to see if your bone levels are healthy or if you have gingivitis or periodontitis.

How did I get gum disease/periodontitis?

This occurs because of a variety of factors. A lot has to do with your body’s ability to fight the bacteria and the bacteria itself, how much and what kind of bacteria is there. Different factors influence these two opposing forces. Genetics and health influence your body’s ability to protect form this bacteria. Genetics are out of your control but some health conditions are in our power to change. For example, smoking will put you at higher risk so waiting will go a long way in controlling periodontitis.

Why is this important?

Did you know that periodontitis has been shown to be correlated with other systemic disease such as diabetes and heart disease? There is more and more research being conducted to try and understand the complex relationship between periodontitis and the rest of the body. If the goal is to be a whole healthy person then a diseased mouth can not fit into that picture. To be healthy means every part of you is healthy.

What are my treatment options?

Treatment goals are to control the bacteria and to encourage the body to heal. However, there is no cure for periodontitis. That is because this is a chronic condition meaning it is ongoing. It can flare up at any time and bone that is lost is incredibly difficult to grow back. Unfortunately, sometimes it will not grow back at all. All the more reason to keep what you have to support your teeth and keep you chewing and smiling with your natural teeth. The ultimate goal being your teeth out live you. However, in some cases periodontitis is so advanced that the teeth are loose and may not be able to be saved. Our philosophy is to save teeth when we can. Dr. Lai will explore any viable choices to help you keep your teeth.

Treatment choices can be traditional gum and bone surgery or laser surgery, this is also know as LANAP – Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure. Dr. Lai is trained and certified to provide this patented procedure. This technology allows Dr. Lai to target the deep pockets of bone loss around your teeth to eliminate as much bacteria as possible. This method allows for a more conservative treatment, which means you will have a quicker recovery and be more comfortable compared to traditional methods. Schedule for a consult and learn what LANAP can do for you.

LANAP Video – Animation